5 Tips for Speeding up Your iPad

Marketing Manager
21st January 2016
Last modified 31st July 2024
Last modified 31st July 2024
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We recently brought you some advice on helping your smartphone to run a little faster, but a slow iPad can be just as frustrating, especially if you have one of the older models. Here are some tips to for speeding up your device:
It’s estimated that 1 in 4 apps downloaded are never used and just as with your phone, apps take up storage space. Freeing this up makes it easier for iOS to operate. Even within the apps you do still want to keep, it is possible to slim them down by getting rid of some of the larger files within them. Head to Settings- General- Storage and iCloud Usage. Next tap on Manage Storage and look for items that are taking up a lot of space like podcasts and delete them.
This is another culprit of slow running iPads, particularly if you have one of the older models. Head to Settings- General- Background App Refresh and set to off.
This can help speed up your iPad and should be something you regularly consider anyway. Although if you have an older model, just be aware that sometimes updating iOS can introduce features that could actually slow your device down.
Clearing the cache should help to speed up the Safari interface. Go to Settings- General- Clear History and Website Data to remove it.
Like with your iPhone, Location Services sits in the background draining your battery life and making your iPad slower than it needs to be. If you aren’t using it, turn it off by going to Settings- Privacy- Location Services.