You sure can! Most insurers offer different cover levels all tied up in pretty packages, such as Bronze (the most basic), Silver and Gold (the most inclusive) cover levels. The key thing is to work out exactly what you need cover for and go from there. As a rule, the higher the premium the lower the excess. loveit coverit Travel Insurance
has 3 levels of cover - Essential, Plus and Premium, going from least comprehensive to most.
It’s common nature to make a beeline for the cheapest quote but ask yourself if you can afford to pay the excess should you make a claim. You might instead prefer to go premium for lower excess and greater peace of mind.
Compare and contrast the different policy details available to make sure you are getting the best value for money and have protection for what’s most important to you i.e. valuables, pre-paid charges, disruptions and delayed or cancelled flights.
Take care when choosing a policy and don’t get bitten by more than just bugs. For example, you might already be insured for items such as your smartphone through your mobile network or bank account and who wants to pay for cover twice? Be a wise owl and dig through your paperwork first before you make a commitment.
Thanks for your interest in loveit coverit. If you have any queries regarding your insurance, please don't hesitate to contact us.
For medical emergency, medical expenses, repatriation and evacuation claims
In the event of an emergency, you should call us right away.
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