Protect your Phone During Festival Season

Marketing Manager
6th July 2018
Last modified 25th October 2024
Last modified 25th October 2024
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Whether it’s to capture moments and create memories, Shazam the best songs you’ve heard or check what stage and when your favourite artists are playing, your smartphone is often a useful and convenient tool at festivals. So, with festival season upon us, we are giving you some tips on how to make sure your phone stays safe, while you’re enjoying yourself!
We understand you’ll want to use your phone at your chosen festival, so that you can take photos and videos, check the timetable of artists, and contact friends if you lose them. The best tip to protect your phone would be to leave it at home, but we know this isn’t always possible, let alone desirable. That’s why we’ve put together some practical tips you can implement while you’re there.
Firstly, you could invest in some protective casing to prevent liquid damage, whether that’s a waterproof phone case or a zip lock wallet. You can then attach it to a lanyard, which you can usually buy at the festival’s merchandise stool, and have it hanging round your neck, so you always know where it is. Some festivals may even have lockers available, so you can securely store your phone and other valuables away and collect them when you need them.
Screenshot the festival stage timetable before you go, so you can simply look in your photos and you won’t have to keep using data to try and find the information you need. You’ll want to make sure your phone has battery at all times so that you can contact your mates if you get lost and, of course, so you can take selfies and document what a fantastic time you’re having!
At many festivals, there will be charging station points, or you can charge on-the-go with a good, small portable phone charger, which you can keep in your bag. Don’t forget to put your phone into Low Power Mode, which will deactivate or reduce the power usage of certain settings or apps. There may well be surrounding areas or shops that have free Wi-Fi, so if you’re popping out to grab a coffee, you can quickly update all your social media platforms.
If you are at a festival, you should be enjoying yourself! Having said this, it’s easy to get swept up in the atmosphere and distracted by all the music and fun. That’s why festivals and concerts are high-risk environments for loss, theft and damage. Your phone could fall out of your pocket while you are dancing, it could be pick-pocketed or have drinks spilled over it.
With the prices of handsets rising each year, it’s becoming increasingly costly for people to replace their phones and even more enticing for pocket thieves. While you can do everything to protect your phone, accidents can always happen. Insure your phone ahead of festival season so you can relax and enjoy the music and atmosphere, without having to stress about the cost of replacing or repairing your phone, should anything bad happen.