Protect Your Gadgets on Holiday

Phone Tips & Tricks Travel Tips & Tricks
Avator By Jonathan Owen
Marketing Manager
Published 29th June 2018
Last modified 31st July 2024
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protect phone on holiday

We understand how much gadgets are used on holiday. Whether it’s using your tablet to watch a film by the pool, using your phone to take your holiday pictures or find directions, it’s vital your gadgets are protected while you travel.

liquid damage

Protect from liquid damage:

Whether it’s from the pool, the sea or spilled drinks, you’d be amazed at how many claims are caused by liquid damage on holiday. While some smartphones are considered water-resistant, they almost certainly won’t survive or stay in full working order, if completely submerged in water. Look into purchasing a protective waterproof case for your device, which allows you to seal the entire phone inside a plastic covering, while still being able to use the phone as normal.

phone overheating

Protect from overheating:

You might be loving the sun, but your gadget does not! The maximum temperature your average smartphone can withstand is around 45 degrees Celsius, so if you’re travelling abroad to a hotter climate than the UK, be aware of the damage leaving your phone in the sun can cause. If your phone or tablet overheats, it can affect the battery life and the overall performance of your gadget. Be sure to keep your device in the shade, once you’ve Instagram-ed your beautiful beach setting!

phone insurance cosmetic damage

Protect from cosmetic damage:

If you are taking your phone to the beach, keep your phone or tablet well away from the sand. Sand can get into the many nooks and crannies of your device, like the headphone or charging port and cause them to not function properly. It can also scratch the gadget’s screen or camera, causing cosmetic damage. Get your device a screen protector or zip it in a plastic bag, just to be safe.

All of loveit coverit’s insurance policies include worldwide cover, so if the worst does happen to one of your devices while you are on holiday, we’ll still replace or repair it for you.

